Dear Heart

By dearheart

Snow White and the Slut Drop

I get this wonderful feeling whenever I speak up in seminars. It's as if every cell in my body is tingling with life and trying to fly. It's warm. It spreads through me like liquid sunshine.
I hate the idea of being that annoying person who has an answer for everything, who thinks that their opinions are so much better than anyone else's.
But I like speaking up! I like throwing ideas around with people, and the look on my lecturers' faces when they agree, or when they nod and smile and toss a kind of silly academic excitement between us like we're children.
I'm not trying to show off. But I want to see how good I can be.
Before we went out tonight we drank gin and played Snap on our living room floor. We took it in turns to wear our house sombrero. We laughed and we danced and my stomach went all funny because boys can do that to you and at the end of the night I climbed out of a taxi, Happy Meal in hand and curled up with two people I'm still falling in love with.

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