Earache MyEyeInA Nutshell

By RichPaula

All Hallow's eve

The Halloween industry in the UK is really taking off. When I was a lad, Halloween just meant bobbing for a few apples and some ghost stories. You couldn't buy pumpkins then. Not in Grandways or on Newark market amyway.
Now, with the ever marching influence of Americans, we now have to put up with this ridiculous trick or treat nonsense. Or 'protection racket' as it used to be known. So shops are now stocking up on themed sweeties and stupid buckets (no, me neither). But what is the use of this munchkin thing? And look, it's a pound! Seems like supermarkets and vegetable growers are running their own racket where pester power extracates a pound out of harrassed parents purses and wallets.

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