New classroom

This is the new room which has just been opened for group courses at the Diocesan Offices in Birmingham where I am leading a course after Christmas helping churches think about the ways in which they can become more dementia friendly.  It's a lovely room on the 8th floor with windows on two sides and some lovely views from the Rotunda, past the Library and then round to the other side of the building.  I've got another 5 powerpoints to do but the course is completed in principal.  I had the instructions about fire alarms and cupboard codes this morning.  Let's hope I remember it all after Christmas!

Busy, but not as busy today.  Big nephew and wife came to see his grandparents today as he is off to New York for his birthday, Christmas and New Year.  He doesn't visit very often.  That makes me very sad.  It makes my sister very sad too.  She will feel it this Christmas as she won't see either of her sons on the day.

Did I tell you about her oven shelves that didn't fit?  The new ones arrived today!  Yay!  They didn't fit!  Further investigation by sister revealed that the shelf support were the wrong way round, so now the old shelves fit and the new ones!  She now has a four shelf Oven!

Don't ask about the hand rail for the stairs...

Her three cats still haven't been out.  Maybe they will go out after Christmas...

Went to the Light Show at Lichfield Cathedral last night - enjoyed it but not as good a the show they had earlier in the year.  I did like the reading to the Christmas Story that was going on inside the cathedral.  It was exceptionally good.  Nothing quite like a good story read well.

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