Late night train

Been at a meeting this evening in London.  The 'what's App' group for some of the members of the meeting had been on over-drive for a few days, so I knew it was going to be an interesting meeting. And it was, for a formal meeting where, if you want to make your point, you put your hand up, are invited to speak and stand up to do so, the rhetoric and tone of voice used by some was way stronger than normally used.  There were some who were gearing up for a verbal fight and others who were utterly bewildered by the whole thing.  There was a dinner afterwards and I was quite sad not to be going and instead made my way home. 

The boys went to see Father Christmas today, and came back pleased as punch with the toys they were given.  Apparently, the eldest even thanked Father Christmas for his present, which the childminder was at great pains to tell me.

Clearly a bit of an emergency picture of the train station, I keep telling myself I am going to concentrate on the pictures some more, and yet I still rush them. 

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