
By Madchickenwoman

Tiny Tree

Thank you all so much for your kind response on yesterdays blip - it felt like the biggest collective hug and you are all so kind and  thoughtful.

I spoke to my sister and she is going to get some of the foodstuff - not sure I'm going to get out at this rate! On with the seasonal prep - more cards written, decorations put up, presents wrapped and donations to charities. Homelessness is awful at any time of the year but over the festive season harsh. So many people spending so much money on things they probably don't need - and others having nothing. 

I spoke to Vegan Jo in the evening - had to finish the phone call as finally the tears from yesterday came out. I was relieved they did so although I felt very sad, it was good to release the sadness, and felt healing.

This is my new tiny tree I found on a British crafters site - 8 by 4 cm it is perfect next to my treehouse advent calender!

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