A busy, manic day. Started by thinking I was clever and going food shopping before work. Was checking out when the cashier became frantic - a man had just left the store with a cart/trolley filled with food and had not paid. At 7 a.m., she was the only employee in sight and she tried to do an all call for the manager to no avail. So....some of my food items were not packed and I did not realize for many hours later when I returned home from work. (Went back and they had a log of "left" items. Phew!)
At work the admin decided to send a new teacher into our room as the Board had sent her to our school for mysterious reasons. Not so mysterious as I know her history really. Let's just say, some people want to do my job, but can't, so continually refuse particular students and get a dr's note saying that they are under duress. Hence, she moves from school to school constantly. So....she was a trigger for two of our students as she had previous contact with them and it wasn't pleasant. OI!!! That set a tone in our room for the day so it was a little bit of a rollercoaster ride.
My son is very aware that he is not sure when he will next see us, so he wants to spend every available moment doing something with each of us. Very sweet, but very tiring when I am still trying to get so much done in the final week of work and final week before Christmas. Blip is of a game we played last night. We did have fun, daughter beat us both badly! All went to bed satisfied and happy : )
Take care everyone...
D x
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