The Ferg

By fergie

Return of the Ferg

It has been a while, basically cause I broke my camera and there were some problems getting it repaired. During that time I have been a bit unwell so getting a temporary replacement was not on the cards. I have been off work now for a couple of months and the Doc won't let me back till my condition has been properly diagnosed and dealt with and that is now priority so despite a barrage of tests they still haven't figured out the cause. I'm know that what I believed to be the cause is not and at the moment all I know is I have felt better. Dropping the camera was unfortunately part of the symptoms. The insurance worked out well but the shop blew it big time sending the camera to Nikon a month later than they should. To be fair once they found out their mistake they put themselves in gear and I want to lavish praise on Nikon who behaved impeccably. I let all this go as I was a bit diverted Anyway it's great to be back and my apologies for losing touch with my blip friends. I am afraid the illness took over my life for a bit. It is also interesting that we have had reasonable weather until my camera became available I managed a few shots before it got dark at Inverness Airport.

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