
By lemonzest

Polish Lagoon

We went to our kind neighbours the Fs to watch Mr Tusk's speech which was important and even interesting in a number of ways. He has won the vote of confidence which doesn't surprise me, but its a relief that we aren't going to have elections yet again and suffer the limitless fatuous rhetoric which elections bring from some quarters and the waste of time. I think the truth is that Poland hasn't really been suffering the recession that has hit the rest of Europe, but on the other hand the economic situation wasn't as good as theirs anyway. Whatever, there's a huge amount to improve as a letter we received this morning goes to prove.

Generally speaking people normally write letters in a way that the recipient gets some kind of a message that they understand. In our case it was a message that we didn't understand, but would expect to understand. So we went to the author of the letter who told us that she would lose her job if she wrote letters that normal people understood*. She has been trained. Of course you have guessed it, she works for a government office and the letter concerns the meadow, which you know. I pointed out that it was absurd that she had to write such letters which people could easily misinterpret and could I quote her on the subject; which I now have.
Who knows?

My today's offering is not my only attempt today... ISO too high...

*I should also mention that she was most polite, pleasant and helpful.

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