There it was … … …

"Kilroy was here" 
& so was "The Bewick." 

Where Alice nearly broke her neck/"measured her length".
We were in. years ago. At that time there was a vestibule as you entered about the length of the width of a door, (If you follow the Irish.)
To enter you stepped over a few inches of threshold, took a pace, then repeated the exercise.
On the occasion of the event in question it was very DARK and either there was NO light in or the bulb was dead; at any rate; Alice, with her diminished vision saw and stepped over the 1st obstacle and, as you might expect NORMALLY, started to walk into the room, not having seen the second hurdle.
It was a very close call. I, honestly, can not remember if we were ever in again. I think so.
What turned us a little further away from the place was the casual way the serving lass plonked herself in one of the chairs at our table, declared her state of unfit, shall we say, and proceeded to take our order.
As I said a day or so ago, I'm beginning to see the town like a tourist there have been so many changes.
One of them includes that sunken doorway.
To check I landed in Google© maps. It wasn't there whenever the last shots were captured. Can NOT tell when it was - claims to be 2017.
Blatant LIE since the aerial view shows the unbuilt Sainsbury's in midst of a barren, vacant, building site. But, whenever it was, there was no door there.

More >>>----->  :¬O
I've just been informed that this is a "milestone".
So I'll celebrate with the newest member of the family. It's the same size as my C hederifolia and "she said" it was supposedly frost hardy.
Well for 2 1/2 quid, why not risk it.

DAMN! It's an ignorant Spill Chucker; I've just added to its education to the tune of "hederifolia".

Squeaking of 2.5 quid I remember one event in the shop, young kid asked how much a minor repair would be.
I dropped through a time warp and answered:-

"Oh, not a lot, mebbe thirty Bob."

DUH?!?!?!?!?!?!???   :¬O
 Was ist Bob? Does not compute.

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