The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Christmas Carols

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Today the Mini Princesses were in a school Christmas music concert in the Usher hall. This is a far cry from the shows we used to do at my school in the assembly hall with chairs pulled in from classrooms. Normally I dread school shows. They tend to be 2 hours of dealing with the pain of watching other people’s children for the 5 minutes of bursting maternal pride when my own Princesses take the limelight.

This concert was not like that. I was genuinely blown away by the musical talent of the kids on stage. It was lovely and Christmassy and there was only one moment when I sniggered - one of the comperes misread her notes and introduced ‘Carol’s Balls’ instead of ‘Carol’s Bells’.


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