Really funny day at school today...thats a first here . Somehow I got talked into taking part in the staff panto. I had such a great part...
#the flying carpet in Aladdin!!! We put on 2 shows....the children loved it and the ad libbing was so funny.
Then management supplied a delicious buffet lunch and we all got our secret Santa gifts. We had a manic party in KS1 class and lots of tears in KS2 class as my friend and their teacher leaves the school today. I worked with her for 15 years in my Brixton school and she got me the job at my present School (not sure yet if that was a good move). I’m hoping I can continue the good work she has started in KS2.
#I got lots of lovely gifts from the children and staff. I was very touched.

RECOVERY 52/60....a tired Rev today.

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