Today's Special

By Connections

Christmas Cheer

Whatcom Museum has two buildings, one of which is the old Bellingham City Hall, built in 1892 -- one of the oldest buildings in town. I love going there at this time of year, as there is always a wonderful display of festively decorated Christmas trees, and the usual admission fee is waived -- a lovely gift for the community.

I realize that my blip for today is not of a Christmas tree, but I couldn't resist the reflection in the mirror of this elegant dresser, which caught my eye as I climbed the wide staircase to see the trees on the second floor. I like the seasonal decorations and the beautiful carving on the dresser.

In the extras you'll see a few of the trees on the main floor, with a close-up of some of the decorations on the left-hand tree, which had the theme of "Merry Cubism!" Fourth-grade students (ages 9-10) from Everson Elementary School created the artistic ornaments.

Thanks very much for all the lovely comments on "Saints and Connections" -- I very much appreciate them! And once again, my apologies for being so far behind on your journals. My last holiday cards go out tomorrow... 

Blip 1898

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