CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Hardy Heather

A bright, mild day (after the frost)

It seems like the quiet before the busyness of Christmas. Presents bought, shopping done (by my wife) the grandchildren are here after a half day at school. It is a very quiet day weather wise, with the sun making a welcome appearance and no wind to speak of.

The garden, too, is going through its annual sleep, apart from this beautiful clump of heather - Scottish to it's core and hardy to boot. It brightens up an otherwise fairly colourless garden.

Although I still did my Listening Service yesterday, I have been reflecting on the fact that when I was in the Pastorate, Christmas time was so hectic, with several Carol services, meals and parties to attend. Each one very nice but the accumulative effect was tiring. It is pleasant nowadays not to have that responsibility and just to have a few events to attend. I guess for Mary and Joseph it was hectic before the birth but then a period of quiet to reflect after all the people and animals had departed. What they must have thought about it all no one knows and they would have had very little undertanding of the unbelievable impact the birth would make on the worl in the millenia to follow. Perhaps just as well!

My hope is that we all might have a period of reflection, in the midst of the busyness, to consider our own inner well being and hopes for the future.

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