Midsummer Dreaming
We're in 'eat the fridge bare' mode, so salad for lunch - with the heating cranked up and dreaming of summer.
The rabbits are off again to their holiday lodgings, and they will have lots of rabbity company this time (I made sure to remind them of Piper's un-neutered state...)
Later, TallGirl had the afternoon off, and used her time wisely - if you can call PS4 'wise'. Meanwhile, I spent most of the afternoon waiting to see a new doctor (my normal doctor is still recovering from a nasty car accident). When I finally got in I understood why it was taking so long. I now know his family history, and he knows mine back to (literally) the 1700s. Chatty guy. I, of course, take any opportunity to practice French - especially if I'm paying 25 euros for the time.
This evening, Mr B cooked duck, we sort of packed and the kids revised Newton's three laws of motion, and there followed an animated discussion on the laws of thermodynamics. I never get to choose dinner table conversation these days.
Mr B has just informed me that 'hard maths' was worked on this afternoon while I was out, so TallGirl did do something useful. (As you might imagine, I am devastated to have missed the maths class...)
Long day coming up tomorrow.
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