Went to The Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle this afternoon. Saw a doctor who read the notes from my previous scan but as the scan was done at a different hospital and she didn't have the actual scan to look at ( and I get the feeling that even if she did have it she wouldn't have trusted it ) she decided I needed another scan. I assumed I would have to wait for a letter giving me another appointment but No - the Women's Health Unit is a " One Stop Shop" to quote the doctor. So I had the scan there and then.

The scan was bad enough but when the doctor started to do a biopsy it got too painful for me and she had to stop. I was in a bit of a state but the doctor and nurses were really kind and I was Ok again pretty quickly. Now I have to go back again and have it done under general anesthetic. Doc said everything seems fine but she just needs to be 100% sure and I don't need to worry. So I won't worry.

To get back to the shopping area I took a short cut through Newcastle University. I like going there as it has some lovely old buildings.

The University can trace its origins to a School of Medicine and Surgery (later the College of Medicine) established in 1834. It became Newcastle University in 1963.

I did a bit of shopping before coming home. I got a cosy dressing gown and a pair of thermal socks in Marks and Spencers --- think I must be expecting a cold winter.

My daughter and her husband have gone to Aberdeenshire for a week. They travelled up on the sleeper train last night. Spending tonight in the Malmaison in Aberdeen and then going to stay in a Lodge near Balmoral. She texted me to say that being on the sleeper train was exactly like " From Russia With Love ... and that Aberdeen was " the wettest place on earth ". Good job she packed her wellies.

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