Just in time

JJ had the bright idea to go to the supermarket this morning on a booze run and 'did I want to go with him?'  'No thank you', said I.  He was very surprised that it was so busy but amazingly he managed to park, buy what he wanted and get through the fast checkout without too much hassle.

Windows 10 has done a major update of my PC and I am delighted to find that they've (hopefully permanently) fixed the problem with the Adobe Photoshop Elements 15 text issue. 

We've had a late walk through the woods, where I spotted a treecreeper and lots of the tiny little goldcrests.  There was also a red kite circling overhead.  Naturally, I had the wrong lens on the camera, but the light was poor anyway.

We're out tonight, starting at one house in the close, moving to another and then back to ours.  It will probably be a long night.

There have been a lot of goldfinches on the feeders today.  This is just a small selection.

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