
By GracieG

It Doesn't Make Sense

I’ve either had a migraine or I’ve been taking painkillers to stave off a migraine every day for the last seven days.  Because of this condition, I avoid certain foods, get plenty of sleep, avoid stress and don’t drink alcohol.  However, the exception to this rule is when M and I treat ourselves to dinner at Morston Hall, when we share a bottle of champagne.  This is what we did last night, and we had a wonderful evening together.  This morning I had a headache (as per usual) but today (unlike the past week), my headache was slight and faded away during the morning and now I feel fine. This has happened most times we’ve eaten there (more often than not, I’ve been completely fine the next morning).  Yet, if I drink alcohol any other time (including champagne) it always gives me a migraine.  The only conclusion I can draw from this is that my husband should take me to dine there every night!
If we could afford to, knowing him, that’s exactly what he would do.
The beautiful rose in my blip is one of a lovely bouquet that dear friend B gave me today…thank you B, they are gorgeous.

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