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A wagtail!!!

A busy day, starting with a house cleaning session! I haven't been able to do much since returning from holiday and by the end of the sessionI thought I was going to be back to square one with my ribs!!!!

This afternoon we went over to the horse sanctuary and took Amber. She hadn't had any contact with horses before today and was a gem. No barking, plenty of sniffing all those new smells. She has some lovely nose to nose contact with the horses that came over to see her. B had a tight hold on her lead to make sure everyone was safe. (In extras)

We had coffee and cake when we had finished and Amber amused us and the cafe staff by doing a "Pointer fixation" on a wagtail that was wandering round the courtyard.  She even ignored B when he tried to tempt her with treats. 

The last picture in extras is of local kids playing with a go cart which they have adapted using a cardboard box. It has windows cut out, is decorated on the inside with pictures, to make it their own buggy :0)  They had great fun setting off to deliver their Christmas cards :0)

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