A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Santa vs Jesus

Turns out there is nothing like Christmas Day on a Monday** for feeling like you have dementia. I have tried not to ask what day it is too many times but I suspect I have failed.

There have been three types of food shopping:
- an online shop delivered at home
- an online shop that has been collected
- a “mop-up”* shop in an actual supermarket

So I did end the day thinking that the advantage of feeling like it was Christmas Eve was that we are basically ready a day early. And I was definitely thinking there would be no shopping tomorrow but apparently Carl has bought the wrong toilet roll and Jackson needs more cough sweets.

Jackson and I have revived Civilisation which has been a lot of fun. And we had a game of Santa vs Jesus.

And Anna introduced me to The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Lesley x

*thus called purely for Carlos’ amusement

**I had to come back and edit this. I originally wrote Sunday. I give up.

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