Happy Birthday Tess!

Despite the sleepover shrieks and skirls going on 'till 2 am, they were up early and Tess was opening her birthday presents by 9am. She loved her gifts (thank goodness). We had a lovely elevenses round the table with Grandma and Grandma and Auntie Cheryl over hot croissants with cheese and bacon thanks to Dave (having too much of a good time I forgot to bring out the birthday cake). Then their beautifications being made, I dropped the girls into town so they could splash their cash (rather them than me among the Christmas shoppers). Home time, quick christmas cake outtage, pals returned to families, takeaway curry, general exhaustimacation and then bed.

Happy 14th Birthday Tess/Karen C.E.O, lots of love, yer Ma, yer Da, yer bro & the three stinky fur generators.

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