

Our Christmas meat arrived in the morning. Then G&T popped in to pick up their meat, swap pressies, have a drink and wish each other Christmas cheer. They left after a couple of hours and L popped in briefly as we had her meat too.

The last few years all the children have been ice skating at Hampton Court Palace and this year was no exception. After last years visit Rebecca complained about the volume of people on the ice rink being dangerous but also the way the changing area was set out to put on/take off the boots was equally dangerous. So they gave her free tickets for this year. The changing area had been changed and, although we went later, the rink wasn’t so packed. All in all they enjoyed it (but they said the ice was lumpy not smooth!!). Sim watched with me and Lucy went on for the first time as she normally watches. . . She went round once clinging on to the side before making an exit... at least she went on ;-D)

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