Tessa and the umbrella

Today's the day ....................... to open presents

Christmas came early to this house today.

Because Anna, Rob, Tessa and Brodie are heading back home for their Christmas in Moniaive, we moved things a day forward  - and opened our presents to each other after breakfast this morning.

And oh, the joy!  There is nothing quite like watching a small child - who has not long become aware of what wrapped presents are all about - discovering the treasures within.  Mind you, it's probably only grandparents (who are not going to have to cope with the consequences) that would give that small child an umbrella.  It is irresistibly whirly, with its map of the world - but it turns into a weapon of mass destruction in small hands.

Ah well, it may have to be discretely removed and stowed away until the small hands grow a bit .....................!

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