Solstice Happy Hour

That's E and I, the two blue-blooded Catalan ladies in our office, both very very nice people to know and to work with.

School will still be open tomorrow, but our little cozy office decided, as a group as well as individually, that today was going to be 'IT'.  Finished clearing EVERYTHING I wanted to clear, and the rest did their thing, too.  We made sure no nibbleable stuff was left unattended or uncovered (c'mon, two whole weeks of Christmas partying for the resident mice is way too long!).  When we were done, off to the university Bras Café for some drinks.  Again, I don't usually do this and it is not my thing, but these are more than worth the time and it's been a loooong time since I've had a good time with colleagues.  Many of us are already thinking ahead of some fun activities we could do together, spur-of-the-moment stuff like 'Let's have breakfast in Paris', jump into our cars and just head off.  Now wouldn't that be fun?

Yes, there's still some correction work, but hey!  I wasn't the one who submitted late work, so it can wait.  Goodness knows I nagged enough.  For the next 10 days, none of that.  After the new year, I could return to some Block 3 preparation, but that's not something to think about right now.  It was a grand evening, and we closed the place.  One thing I have noticed -- the longer we are together, the more we trust each other ... enough to share stuff we don't normally share with colleagues.  All rather new for me.  I'm glad for the winter break now.

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