Christmas Eve

I confess, I had to steal a photo from D. I took my camera out with me, it would just have been useful to put the card back in it first.
Anyway, I managed a few Christmas chores but D has done all the hard work, really. He has prepared most of the veg, wrapped presents and got last minute shopping from the co op. He’s even changed Poppy’s bed and vacuumed the spare room and ironed the big table cloth.
I watched Gone With The Wind and had a nap.

Later, I was feeling well enough to go to The Bickerstaff’s annual Christmas Eve bash. As they live next door but one I knew I could slip home if I had enough.
I was fine and had a lovely time. I even managed a ham bagel and a whole glass of beer! It was so nice to see all our old chums, we hardly ever get together now but have promised to get a date in the diary early next year. Photo is Miss Bickerstaff wearing some splendid thigh high boots.
I hope this Christmas Eve finds you healthy and happy and that you all have a wonderful day tomorrow.

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