Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

And to all a good night...

I got up at 5:30am to get everything loaded into the car so we could leave for my #1 son's home at 7...And we were only 15 minutes off schedule. We really were fortunate that there were no traffic problems at all during the almost 5 hour ride. Since moving to the farm the trip takes us another hour longer to reach our destination.

We ate a quick lunch and then #1 and one granddaughter, hubby and I went to town to see a movie. We ended up seeing the remake of Jumanji as we did not want to wait for any of the later movies. It was very funny and well acted. Exactly the kind of movie we needed to see!

Then back to the house to finish preparing supper while we waited for my step granddaughter and my daughter in laws sister to arrive. #2 granddaughter was not feeling well so she took a long nap while we were gone. And felt somewhat better.

Now it is 10pm and I am ready to call it a night. Have a very Happy Christmas fellow blippers! I want to look at your journals but it is not going to happen tonight! Sleep is calling my name!

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