
By tookie

Decorating Hooligan Style

While out doing a tad more shopping etc. today, the two hooligans pulled the bag of recycling down and made sure each thing was shredded or torn or strewn all around.....their part in helping to festively decorate the place so it's hooligan holiday friendly I guess!   Before we'd gone out they were have a playful go at it in the living room....not the best pics but you get the idea of the whirl they were making having some play fighting time which they love and really isn't all that rough.  
      While we were out for our Christmas eve at our friends home, they did behave hip hip hooray and enjoyed the freshly fallen snow when we returned to feed and let them out.   We had a lovely family time with friends and we will be having a white Christmas!  dogs singing jingle bells
       Happy Christmas Eve to all from the Hooligans!!!
  Friday family time here  Saturday sliding time  here

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