Occasionally Focused

By tsuken


Merry Christmas to all. 8)

Quite a haul for me today. After the books, and the mini bottles of whisky, and the cards, and the utterly ridiculous card magic,, the Pop Cultcha figures, the sadistic 4x4 Rubik's cube from missy-moo and the t-shirt from the lad, Mrs tsuken hands me a long slim present box. As I open it I see a Japanese kanji, and then the name "Shun"... OMFG

I like knives. ;)

Shun is very good knives.

I'm just itching to use it. Tomorrow's dinner will just be Christmas leftovers, but hopefully Wednesday evening I can christen it. 8)

(The magic trick is amazing. I'd been puzzling over it for months; worked out one bit, but there is more. There is more. It's simply beautiful.)

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