Just say Yes

'You want to put it where?' said a clearly bemused Mildred, who had been wanting him to put it exactly there for the last 12 years,

'There!' said a wild looking Haratio, pointing the spot and laughing like a wild hyena as he did so. For some reason his hair was swept high into an elaborate bouffant style and he was salivating with anticipation.

Mildred considered the conundrum. She had wanted it there for all this time, and yet now for her to get her way with her husband of 35 years clearly deranged was not ideal. Still satisfaction was to be had.

'Alright Horatio, but on one condition.'

'Yeth?' said a heavily short tongued Horatio, trying to keep it all together before he would burst with satisfaction.

'Be careful with the clips,' she said, wagging her finger as she did so, whilst hoisting up her skirt for leverage.

'Ah yeth,' came the ecstatic reply, 'the clips!'

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