A Quiet Friday

Enjoying my day of doing almost nothing.  I'm not amazed that I finally feel tired.  What a year it's been!  A short 9 days and it'll be over.  More on that later.  In the meantime, still a couple of chores that I'd like to finish, and one of them is putting that last room in order.  Hubby has been doing his best with the shelves, with the corresponding pain in his back, shoulders, and arms as a result, but he is doing his best.  The moment he's done, my turn.  By the looks of it, I can start on it by tomorrow afternoon.

Tonight, though, he's out playing bridge with his friends, and I'm winding down (or up?) with some genealogy research and some gaming, and, as you can see, a cup of tea and some cakes.  Later, I'll have to learn how to keep my mind quiet before I fall asleep and wake up not too early.

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