
Well, not quite, but done as far as it was possible.  If you look at the right of the shot, you'll notice that there are still some more boxes, and more that are out of the shot, but some of those are for hubby to sort out himself as they are his things, and the others have articles of clothing and what not that don't have a spot yet to be put in or on.  Some of them might be rid of, I don't know.  That thing there that looks like an old-fashioned television is actually a folding bed, so now you know where that old curtain has gone to.  I'm not a fan of how it looks now, so that cover will be replaced eventually.  Most things intended for this room are now in it, and I'm satisfied.  It took four hours at feverish speed, and my arms and legs are confirming it.

Afterwards, I drove hubby to town, then got back, loaded the empty boxes in the car, drove to our old house to empty the mailbox, then to the supermarket where I unloaded the boxes and did some errands.  Then back to the house.  Hubby had walked back from town and was busy in the kitchen.  After dinner, it was time for the dishes.  For the blog, I just want to mention that I checked the bank accounts this morning and was pleasantly shocked, and so was hubby.  Not a bad ending to the year.  I don't usually mention this kind of thing, but we are especially thankful for what came in.

Another thing I mustn't forget to mention is that the report on hubby's mental condition arrived last week and needed some correcting, so that was done and sent back through the sollicitor.  It was duly adjusted and sent to us again for one last check, which hubby did today, and then sent back again, and now it will be submitted to the court.  The psychiatrist's report reflects his true state of mind -- that he's not mentally sick but that his patterns of thinking have been sorely affected by all the negativity he has experienced in his life, and this has, in turn, influenced his behaviour.  Hubby is a very nice guy and the best husband I could have hoped to have, but he has mentally and physically absorbed every disappointment and frustration in such a way that he is marked for life.  The best I can be is compassionate.  I wuv him very much.

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