through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes

On this Christmas Day, I rejoice at the greatest gift God has blessed us with.

But it also made me think of Mary.

As we have our own gold and bad days as new parents, I can't help but imagine how it was for Mary and Joseph. Mary, a young teenage girl, nursing and caring for this baby that is from God. If I was her, the stress and pressure from having to be the mother of God's son would be enormous. That your own Savior' s life and basic needs are in your hands.

Then there's Joseph.

Joseph, who had to take in his wife and a son that is not his. Joseph, who had to suddenly provide and protect a family that is not his by blood.
Joseph, who probably thought he was going to have a "normal life", is suddenly commanded to run from home, live in a strange land, and be a father to a son who is his Redeemer.

But that is why God chose them.
Because he knew Mary and Joseph, and where their hearts were.

When I have my struggling days as a mother and wife, I encourage myself by reminding myself that God has somehow chose Victor and I to be parents to this little, fragile baby, because he knows who we are.

It is such an honor, then, to be his parents.

I am forever grateful for Mary and Joseph. The ultimate example of how parenthood should look like. A lot of sacrifice, stress, and mistakes, but also a lot of love. For your child and your spouse.

Merry Christmas. Thank you, abba, for always showing us something new each year.

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