
By Nairnite

Dark, Dank & Miserable

That just about sums up this morning. We went to our second option woods today for a change and as it was still raining.....the closest. Millie doesn't do wet. For a Cocker she has a weird view on life.
The tall pine trees were dripping and the sky through the canopy was a dull, uniform grey. The pine trunks, when soaking wet lose their grey/red tinge and become totally black. Therefore looking up you are presented with a monochrome world. The only real colour is down on the woodland floor where the undergrowth at ground level is still green but the sycamore, birch and rowan have now decided en masse to pull in the photosynthesising chemicals and get ready for the dormitory period. This was the most colourful I could find without marching into the undergrowth and becoming totally waterlogged.

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