
By Veronica


Just another door. For Lagrasse, it's a pretty ordinary door but I thought it worth blipping because these asymmetrical double doors are very typical of this area. And it's nice to see one in good repair, resisting the wave of single-leaf UPVC doors with naff glazed sections that are gradually replacing them The dressed stone arch around it is rather handsome too.

Up early today; S phoned the doctor and was offered an appointment in less time that it would take us to get there -- very surprising. So we were dressed and out before 8:30, still coffee-less. Lagrasse was deserted, not even a cat in the streets. It turned out the doctor was a locum and less chatty/thorough than our doctor, so by the time I'd found a parking space and walked the long way round back to the surgery, blipping on the way, S was already out, prescription in hand. We were back home shortly after nine, armed with pains aux raisins to go with our coffee.

S decided the best place to be was bed. I did a few chores, visited lonely Max, read The Cello Suites, and made a large pot of ragu bolognese, slowly simmered on the woodburner  -- the good thing about having steak for Christmas dinner is that there are virtually no leftovers to deal with. Although the last dregs of the béarnaise went very nicely with our lunch of poached eggs on ham on toast. 

A cosy day ... I expect we'll watch another DVD tonight.

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