
By backwoodsman

It snowed again.....

,,,,,,,,last night :-)
So I up and out to the forest trail in the hope of finding if the aforementioned mountain lions ,bears ,bobcats, coyotes,racoons or Sasquatch had been roaming about leaving tell tale big foots in the snow:-O
Trudged miles in beautiful crisp white virgin white.....and not one solitary tell tale sign !!
In that lovely silence that descends on woodland blanketed with snow :-)

But then at last....Mr Beaver had been busy in the night ,caring not one jot for cold and snow :-)

 and then on the way back ;what was this  .....Big Foot tracks in the snow ???

Er;   no.......just my own footprints on the way out !!!

106 Dementia coming out to meet me :-D

ps ...must go back and see if he finished off the tree :-D

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