Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A match made in heaven

MissT wanted to hit the sales. There were no trains so we drove up to Vauxhall and got the tube. Saw this in a shop in Soho. Intended to be funny I thought it just showed the true ugliness of the political world we live in.

The west end shops were incredibly crowded but it was a nice atmosphere. TSM and I had a lovely couple of hours on our own, sitting and talking over drinks and snacks in Le Pain Quotidien around the corner from Carnaby Street.

There were animal rights protesters outside Canada Goose on Regents Street so I took a leaflet and gave them a few words of support. We ate in Wagamama which now has a separate vegan menu, although their pudding offer was disappointing (not that anyone ever eats pudding in Wagamama). We also found time to drop in on S&B when we went back for the car; they pulled up after a three hour drive from Stratford Upon Avon just as we got there. Spent a pleasant hour catching up

Bit of a nightmare drive back in the rain with the headlights stuck on full beam. TSM drove heroically. But a fun evening playing Dixit when we did get home. I thought we would be knackered but everyone seemed to get their second wind. Dixit, if you’ve never played it, is a very simple and thought provoking game with beautifully designed cards. You learn a lot about people too as it essentially requires you to articulate phrases from Jungian archetypes that other people have to try and emulate. Like “a match made in heaven”for instance. That sounds a bit weird but it isnt. Highly recommended.

Really enjoying this Christmas ...

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