A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

AP and the youth

Were in AP’s study, considering his vast collection of CDs, by torchlight (not sure why the torch was needed but I wasn’t going to ask). Specifically, all of his Dylan CDs. James was particularly interested to hear of the original vinyl lps in the attic. That’s for next visit methinks.

Provided Dad with a list of music that he might enjoy. This has been a bit of a ritual for the past two decades - much of what I listen to is either recommended by Dad or by James.

Turkey butties were eaten, a lot of catching up done. Many brews consumed. Somehow came away with a bottle of wine, a Christmas pud and 4 whisky glasses. It was a very pleasant few hours. Thanks Dad and Ann xx

In other news, I have installed my front and rear dash cams in the car. Also managed to get James’s ESTA application submitted which has been approved so he is good for travel in February.

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