Christmas Eve

Busy morning doing a few last minute errands and then we relaxed before the crib service.

Unfortunately R tripped on her way into church and smacked her head quite badly on the stone pillar by the door, poor girl. Immediately an egg came up on her head and a grazed cheek. We were both in shock and must have looked a state rolling in with both of us crying!

Luckily we were looked after by kind friends and an ice pack, some water and lots of cuddles later and amazingly R perked up totally and decided she still wanted to an angel! I was surprised to say the least.

Anyway off we went, I escorted 5 small angels to the front and then attempted to prevent any further injuries or falling off the bench!!

All passed without further incident, C was sitting with daddy on the organ bench obvs, he didn’t want to dress up despite us being one wise man down(!) fair enough.

Home to get ready for bed, stockings out, treats for F.C and into bed.

Prosecco and Dominos for me after all that!!

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