Sunset bauble

Another lazy day.  Tim's still not feeling well and I've got a sore throat now, too.  Boo.  I did pop down to Sainsbury's this morning though, mainly to buy some more wrapping paper (at a bargainous price of 50p a roll).  Spoke to my Mum on the way and let her know that we wouldn't be coming to hers tomorrow as originally planned, but would come a day later instead - hopefully to give Tim enough time to feel better for the journey.  Might have to play it by ear though - both she and my sister have said they'd be happy to postpone until January if necessary.

Had a very relaxed afternoon after that.  I was just starting to wonder what I might take a photo of, when I looked up and saw a sliver of sunset between the two blocks of flats opposite.  Thought it'd work well with this tiny clear glass bauble in the foreground.  I feel like this could almost be an Australian Christmas photo - looks a whole lot warmer than it actually was!

Cooked a massive chicken fried rice for dinner, finally using up the last of the roast chicken - and settled down to watch Back to the Future II.  Again.

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