Snow on the Lyde Road (Day 964)

I missed out on the morning woofer wander this morning, heading to Evie instead to clear a blocked drain. I seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time through the festive season last year clearing blocked drains and was expecting at least one to deal with this year. 
The blockage was 37 metres from the access point, and was a mixture of wet wipes and cooking fat. Apparently the customer never puts wet wipes down the loo, or cooking fat down the sink. Evidence would suggest otherwise.
I drove home in a really heavy shower of hail and sleety snow to have lunch with my  beautiful wife before we took the dogs to the Lyde Road for a wander. There was a bit of snow lying on the road and huge showers passed across in front of us as we walked along the road. The dogs seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves.
HV is heading off to work shortly and I will be heading to town to look at a leak which the customer reckons has been a problem for 2 years, so obviously it is an emergency between Christmas and New Year....

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