Relative Outcomes

A grey day here in Pitlochry with some hail then snow falling but its not lying. 

We went the long way via the Cuilc (which was pretty much frozen (extra)) to the shops. 

My focus has been on my family tree (no suprise there) and I am currently turning my attention to my Great Grandparents Patrick Timmons and Bridget Robbins and their sibblings who emmigrated from Count Offaly to Dundee in the late 1840s, possibly as a consequence of Great Famine.  Ancestry is gradually adding to its Irish records and I got ridiculously excited last night when a hint for one of Bridget's half brothers lead to his baptism record adding another piece to the jigsaw. 

The contrasting fortunes and misfortunes of  the siblings and their descendants fascinates me. Some fared well: one became a cinema proprietor and his served as Provost of Lochgelly, and another was a founding member Dundee United. Others fared less well, often ending up in the courts and poorhouses. Some contemporary newspaper accounts make  for grim reading. 

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