Cold pony times

We were treated to a 6am lie in today - they both happily played till 7ish when I took them down.

Breakfast consumed and dressed ready for ponies. Small meltdown from wom as he couldn’t find something.
Daddy dropped us at the stables and then came home to look for it, then picked us back up.

Both children had a complete blast on the ponies. Grooming riding and glittering them up then inside to make s horse shoe.

Headed to grandma house after this. Yummy lunch consumed then a trip to the park. Bikes were ridden, scooters were scooted but both were cold as was daddy so after a play on the outdoor gym we got back into the car and headed to nanny house to pick up our zoo passes (via grandmas house to pick up woms new dumper truck we had left at grandmas)

Hot chocolates drunk
Tea eaten
Quite time watching peppa pig

Ice skating tomorrow!

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