With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Golden almonds this year?

What a day, involving much driving at high speed, a 2-5 win for Ben's team, a fight to the death between a wasp and a bee (wasp won in a very nsaty way, coming back for seconds after it's fatefiul blow), more driving, bleaching of the car after an 'incident', no doubt due to the driving, waiting for an hour for a two minute appointment to book Agu's piano lesson, more driving (but with a rainbow in the middle), a fruitless quest for football gloves, shopping, and then for me... about two minutes at my lovely colleagues birthday party. We were too done in to really need to foist ourselves on the festivities, so we unfortunately made a hasty retreat and back to bed. My attempt to get a good portrait of the birthday girl was fruitless as she didn't keep still long enough, though I got a smaller member of the guests quite well and maybe I can print one off for her parents next week. Hope you like the rainbow anyway.

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