
Those inbetween days when those of us lucky sods gifted with endless seasonal days off are just floating along on a sea of cheese, crackers, chocolate orange, gin, sea salted crisps and no-one knows if it's a Sunday, Wednesday or a Friday...and even less of us care either way. The only time of year when even shoving a load of washing on feels like a mindfulness moment of tranquility accessorised by a Willie Wonka Smile.

Our visitors have gone so we had an old school family day. Auntie Cheryl's in the morning for soup, divulging of Christmas happenings, awakening of sleepy Katie and some TLC for Duffy who had hurt her claw. Then home to find Dave back from work then a visit from Grandma and Grandma... in unprecedented scenes Dave managed to persuade them to stay longer than their usual flying they had a spontaneous tea with us and then we all slowly melted into the sofas in front of the fire and shouted out Pointless game show answers at the tellybox. Oh fit rare!

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