Frozen 2.0
After a couple of frozen days, and after a frozen car at 10pm last night when I left my friend’s to drive home, I woke up to pouring rain this morning and a much warmer temperature. It rained on and off all day with high winds. Thankfully, I had a nice day planned with visits from two friends, one this morning and one this afternoon, both home from work in this ‘in between’ week.
I didn’t think the weather would give me a chance for a walk but when my afternoon visitor left the sun was shining and I could see that the sky was turning pink. I hate being out in the wind but I pushed myself to go and was so glad I did. It wasn’t an AMAZING sunset but it felt good to get outside and do a loop around the park, even if the ground was soggy and the wind biting.
I watched the last episode of The Crown series 2 on Netflix this evening. Fantastic series, but I’m shocked to find out that we have to wait a whole year for series 3 and they haven’t even started filming yet! What am I going to watch in the meantime?? Suggestions anyone? For the time being I’ve just started an 8-part French murder mystery series on BBC called ‘Witnesses - A Frozen Death’. One episode down and it’s got my attention! That will keep me busy for the next few days!
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