
By S_Dee


Today's the day I'm going to Switzerland visiting my family. They have no idea I'm coming! (Apart from my sister - she organised the gathering). But first my journey...

Yesterday evening I organised a taxi for 4am and packed all my suitcases for the secind time (that's something im doing...).
I got up at 3am, trained, showered, got ready for the taxi which was on time. The drive was quick and the driver was very lovely.
I arrived at the airport at 4.25am.
Went to drop off my big suitcase and continued to the security at 4.45am.
Passed security at 5.10am.
Bought the last gifts at the airport. (A scarf and bracelets).
No time for breakfast! So coffee and croissant will do. Checked my emails and saw EasyJet sent me an email saying I have to check whether the allocated seat is still the same I have on my ticket. Sorry EasyJet, I have no time!
Massive queue at Cafè Nero so almost had to run to the gate.
Arrived at the gate at 5.30, boarding time!
Once I arrived there the queue was massive already. Oh gosh. I quickly put my small bag into the big hand luggage as we are not allowed to take two small bags on the plane. While I was doing that I heard one of the staff members calling out my name. Oh no! I should have checked my seats, goodness me, I'll have to apologise.
Very embarassed I made my way through all people to the front bit where they check your passport and tickets.
Arrived I said who I was and the lady asked for ID so I showed her my passport.
The lady smiled and handed out a tiny Christmas gift and said 'in the name of Edinburgh Airport we wish you a Merry Christmas and an enjoyable flight'. Oh gosh I was so shocked and embarassed and happy all at the same time! Edinburgh Airport tweeted a while ago asking for people to come forward telling where they are flying to over Christmas. I tweeted back and this is the gift! They even let me board just after family, so nice! Almost first on board I went to my seat, put my coffee on the seat and put my suitcase in the overhead locker. Big mistake.
My coffee fell. Two seats covered in coffee.
The couple who is sitting next to me stood right behind me already so I asked them to hold on so I can clean the seats. I walked down the plane towards the crew member asking for some damp clothes but they only handed me dry hand towels from the toilet. Aww, I had to get back to the seats and clean it. Once cleaned I sat down and realised my phone is gone! Ay caramba, where did I put it? I started to look for it and the lovely couple helped me too. I asked a crew member as well if anyone has handed in a phone but nothing. Nowhere to find! The gentleman asked whether he could call me to see if it rings. He did but it didn't ring. He also asked why not checking the suitcase in the overhead locker. I was sure i haven't put it in there but who knows.
So I checked. And there it was! I must have put it in by acccident when the lady called out my name! Aww how embarrassing.
I then apologised to everyone around me. God that was embarassing!
I had a wee chat with the couple next to me and then I started to watch a DVD. (Buffy and Supernatural, love it!)
Once landed in Geneva I went to get my suitcase. Because it took so lomg I missed my train and then the bus so I arrived one hour later than expected. They wer happy nonetheless! My granny, great-aunty, mum, her husband, dad, his girlfriend, my brother, his girfriend, my sister and nice. It was sooo nice!!

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