Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Gin o'clock

Having worked 4 days already this week, including a 5 to midnight shift last night, I have spent a considerable part of the day composing the February rota. I did take a decent break early afternoon, when I pedalled the exercise bike for 30 minutes. The rota isn't quite finished, but I'd had enough, and gin was calling.

I finished the bottle of Gunpowder Gin a couple of days ago. This Wilderer Gin was in the Christmas Case from Naked Wines. It's South African, and is flavoured with a blend of "23 botanicals, including Wild Dagga, pelargonium, and buchu".

W, being South African, said "dagga" was cannabis. Wikipedia was slightly confusing on the subject, but it seems that "dagga" is cannabis, whilst "Wild dagga" is a completely different plant, related in fact to mint. But the flowers of Wild Dagga are quite widely used by native South Africans as a mild euphoric when smoked. "Whatever" as the teenagers say, 2 glasses of the gin are having the desired euphoric effect on me!

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