
By schorschi

Day after

Thankfully a Saturday, no school and no work to have to cope with. Loaded children in the car and took off for Haslemere in the hope of finding candles, gas bottles (we had large mobile gas heaters from our last house which had no central heating) and a camping gas cooker.

On the way inspected the damage at Shillinglee. The tree over the road is the same as yesterdays but from the other side. Son J was 3.5 years old for reference.

I don't remember exactly how we coped with cooking etc over the week that followed without heating. I could go to the office in Uxbridge near London for warm showers. I know we had to throw away the entire contents of a full chest freezer but luckily had been stupid enough to give in to the Curry's (or whoever it was back then) salesman's ridiculous sales pitch as to why one needed to insure a freezer.

It was not a pleasant time and journeys around the countryside in southern England were more than dramatic - war or better said, post nuclear bomb like scenes.

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