the colour green

By jukeys

no pic yesterday!

I hate missing days, but I couldn’t take any pics yesterday. It was a nightmare journey home. I almost passed out on the plane, was sooooo unbelievably tired by the time we arrived in Marseille despite having slept well, and then I was sick in the car on the way home. Finally got back to the house and got straight into bed where I basically slept for a full 24 hours (apart from waking to feed Marius).

I woke up to see this gorgeous, homemade stocking had arrived in the post from Pierre’s friends Rene & Magali. Magali made us beautiful personalised towels for a wedding present; and the same for Marius when he was born - and now this! So gorgeous!

As I went to bed tonight, I heard Marius being sick - the poor thing was covered from head to toe :( What I thought was exhaustion on my part must’ve actually been a little bug as he’s got it now too. Poor pet. Thankfully my dad is being super helpful as Pierre is working crazy hours at the chocolate factory!

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