I want to be alone

Down to Southend of Snells Beach once again, and the tide had come in a lot further than I had planned for, and there were few birds about. One solitary heron appeared to anthropomorphically resent my presence. Once it had established that I really was there, and approaching, it flew away to more private pools. The first extra is as it arrived at its new hunting ground.

I went on around the point to the northern end of Our Beach, where I took the photo I have posted as my second extra (and last for the year).

Timely as the year as counted by we humans is ending at midnight tonight, not much more than five hours from the time I'm posting my blip. In some parts of the world New Year's Eve is yet to begin. The celebrations that the old year has finished and the new is about to begin are many and varied. Daughter C has written in her blog about how she looks back at the happy times of the year just gone, by reading the contents of her Happy Jar. That process (which returns her to the happinesses of the year) leaves the jar empty and ready for the new year. Seems much preferable to resolutions.

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