
By Fluffylady

Cool cars

After our fun adventures in New York we flew down to North Carolina to visit Ian's sister. Today we went to Wilmington which is where the American series One Tree Hill was filmed. We were all geared up to go on the studio tour as I'm a bit of a fan but when we got there they told us they had stopped doing the tours.
So we changed are plans and had a wander along the Cape Fear riverfront. We stumbled across a load of vintage cars and some wacky kind-of races being held in the street. It was something you would probably see on jackass where a group of lads race down a hill in old trollies, wheelchairs and bathtubs! The only thing stopping them were some haybales at the end of the street and the pavement. It was scary stuff!
This evening we are having all the family come around and the hottub is all fired up so I'm sure it will be a great night. X

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